Wednesday 29 September 2010

Welcome to FRiZZ TV !

We're very aware at FRiZZ that we've been a bit slow at bringing the video side of what we do up to speed with the audio and photography side of things. So now we're having a serious catch up!

The aim of FRiZZ TV is to bring you a regular video-based insight into the world of FRiZZ

We'll have some long-awaited promo clips to show you soon, and some tasty live footage too. We've also been digging into the archives to put together some behind the scenes documentary films about some of the things FRiZZ artists have been up to over the last year or so...

So stay tuned... The first episode of FRiZZ TV is coming very soon!

Subscribe to the FRiZZ TV blog, or follow us in your blog reader, to make sure you don't miss anything...